Miss Maps Budget 36 Days at less than 10 euro per day! - Anika Mikkelson - Miss Maps www.MissMaps.com

Miss Maps Budgets: 200 days, 2000 euros

Today, March 15, 2016 marks 200 days of traveling solo. I’ve been abroad now for 21 months, but some of those months were spent working and traveling with family.

These 200 days are beyond the time I worked abroad, traveled extensively throughout the Middle East, India and Nepal, and took trips a few weeks at a time in Europe with family.

These 200 days mean solo traveling, no income, just me and my backpack… and whatever it fits inside.

In these 200 days, I’ve been asked so many questions about how I manage this nomadic lifestyle.

Aren’t you lonely?
Aren’t you scared?
Aren’t you homesick?
And most often.. How are you funding this trip?

Throughout the next few weeks, I’ll be updating Miss Maps with travel tips based on my own experiences, ranging from finding accommodations and transport, beating homesickness, planning and not planning, finding quality relationships,  and of course, sticking to a budget.

In 200 days of travel, I’ve spent 2078 euros ($2304 US dollars). This includes food, transport, accommodation, clothes, travel gear, and even expenses such as paying for my website, Skype, and online photo storage. With all of these items taken into account, I’ve still managed to spend less each day than I used to spend on gas driving to and from work.

Included here is a brief capture of my spending habits over the past 36 days. I have traveled 13 cities in 4 countries during this time, and have spent 241.09 euros ($267 US dollars). That’s an average of 6.7 euros ($7.42 US dollars) per day!

Take a look here for an idea of my recent budget, and stay tuned in weeks to come to learn how YOU can do the same!

Miss Maps Budget 36 Days at less than 10 euro per day! - Anika Mikkelson - Miss Maps www.MissMaps.com
Miss Maps Budget 36 Days at 6.70 euro per day! – Anika Mikkelson – Miss Maps http://www.MissMaps.com

2 thoughts on “Miss Maps Budgets: 200 days, 2000 euros

  1. I love this guide. I’ve been saving up for another long vacation, but I’m finding that I can actually just take off sooner and make my way around with a nice budget. Thanks for sharing!


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