Mom's Set of Large Starbucks Mugs - Who's Thirsty? (there are more, don't worry!) -

Starbucks Around the World: A Mother’s Day Gift

What happens when a full-time traveler wants to send gifts home?
She gets creative.

My mom is a collector of Starbucks mugs, and has enough to invite the entire neighborhood over for morning coffee, giving each guest her own city or country mug.

Mom's Set of Large Starbucks Mugs - Who's Thirsty? (there are more, don't worry!) -
Mom’s Set of Large Starbucks Mugs – Who’s Thirsty? (there are more, don’t worry!) –

I used to try and collect them for her as well, carefully wrapping them so they wouldn’t get damaged as I carried them around in my rucksack.
But then, when I decided to travel full time, I needed a different way to help Mom grow her collection.
So for the past 11 months, I’ve been popping into every Starbucks I can find and taking photographs of their mugs. Some countries, especially in Eastern Europe, don’t have Starbucks. And some, like Palestine, pretend they have Starbucks.

You might not be able to drink from these, but at least they’re arriving in one piece!
Happy Mother’s Day Mom. And to all you MOMs out there – kick your feet up and relax with your own favorite brew.

Starbucks Mugs from Around the World (to be updated with every new adventure):

And Mom, you’re not alone. There are plenty other SMAs (Starbucks Mug Addicts) out there as well. Here’s a collection of another friend’s mugs as well! Happy Momma’s Day to you too, J!

Starbucks Mugs - Another Friend's Collection
Starbucks Mugs – Another Friend’s Collection

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