Velo Love

2014-07-18 07.16.35 copy
Le Tour de France July 18, 2014  Chartreuse, France

2014-07-18 07.19.30

We’re on our way from Grenoble to Paris after two remarkable days spent with friends and surrounded by bicis. Yesterday and today marked Le Tour de France’s 40th appearance in Grenoble. Leading up to this weekend, there was a brilliant buzz all about.

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Prepping for the riders’ arrival July 18, 2014 Quaix-en Chartreuse, France

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2014-07-18 06.02.13
The caravan parading down the mountain, building up the hype and warming up our cheers July 18, 2014 Quaix-en Chartreuse, France

Maybe it was internal, fueled by memories of riding of Transmountain in El Paso and speeding down the other side, topping speeds of over 50 miles per hour while listening to Jonsi and screaming in delight- all just to see what it felt like. Maybe it’s fueled by the memories up cramming in century after sweaty century during the extreme desert’s summer off from teaching- making up the final miles as we counted up to 100 by racing up and down parking ramps and side streets. Or those memories of crossing over the international boundaries into Juarez for Critical Mass or Sunday morning brunches.

Riding the Tour's trail before the big guys get to it July 19, 2014 Quaix-en Chartreuse, France
Riding the Tour’s trail before the big guys get to it
July 18, 2014
Quaix-en Chartreuse, France
Le Tour de France's mountain top souvenir shop July 19, 2014 Quaix-en Chartreuse, France
Le Tour de France’s mountain top souvenir shop
July 18, 2014
Quaix-en Chartreuse, France

Wherever the excitement came from, it was built up largely in part by  those and so many more biking experiences. Truly, the best memories come from the friendships, teamwork, and pure delight that accompanied each ride. That’s what is so great about cycling: to so many it appears to be an individual activity, but it truly is a team sport. There are falls, there are flats, there is rain, and there is hot hot heat. Those things are inconsistent in timing, but reliable in occurrence.

During the tour, a rider tossed his bottle right at my feet. After I took a sip (that's like a kiss right? Maybe if I was 12?) I deemed it a trophy.
During the tour, a rider tossed his bottle right at my feet. After I took a sip (that’s like a kiss right? Maybe if I was 12?) I deemed it a trophy. July 18, 2014 Quaix-en Chartreuse, France
Breathless. July 19, 2014 Quaix-en Chartreuse, France
July 18, 2014
Quaix-en Chartreuse, France

The people that are there to help you up the mountain and teach you about their passion for no other reason but to spread joy- those are the consistently reliable perks that cycling is all about.

Ben, me, and the darling Camille at the start line July 19, 2014 Grenoble, France
Ben, me, and the darling Camille at the start line
July 19, 2014
Grenoble, France

This is where the Tour’s thrills stemmed from: Knowing that each of those riders has been touched by indescribable magic of two wheels and a supportive friend nearby.

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The anticipation’s fuel was set ablaze by Friday’s mountain tour BBQ with family and friends as well as Saturday’s Stage 14 departure. As all the timing gods worked their magic, our party of two turned into a party of six as the most darling synchronized swimmer that I had the pleasure of coaching in Boulder and her family cheered at the race’s start right alongside us.

There we are on the French Sports Television cheering on cyclists at the Tour de France
There we are on the French Sports Television cheering on cyclists at the Tour de France

Check out the video that Camille’s dad took from our great site spot: 

Until next time!
2014-07-19 01.28.33

3 thoughts on “Velo Love

  1. Oh that is great. What terrific timing and location to attend the Tour!! You were and are such an amazing cyclist. Century after century ??!! I have yet to do my first!! You came a long way fast and such wonderful experiences ! How wonderful to see you with the elite of cycling!!


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