Stay in Africa Until You Reach Home

After teaching children in Rusinga Island, Kenya the meaning of love, a call came to return to the woman who taught me what love is. I was able to make it back to the US in time for a final few hugs with my greatest inspiration before returning to Africa with a new guardian angel. Continue reading Stay in Africa Until You Reach Home

Life in Yangon Myanmar - Celebrating Chinese New Year - by Anika Mikkelson - Miss Maps -

Life in Yangon, Myanmar : Celebrating Chinese New Year

A time of celebrations for all ages, Chinese New Year is alive and well in Yangon’s Chinatown with Dragon Dances leading to Lion Dances. Surrounded by glutinous rice snacks and wishes of prosperity, an abundance of photos and videos capture this annual tradition at its best! A new favorite holiday! Continue reading Life in Yangon, Myanmar : Celebrating Chinese New Year