All Roads Lead to Liechtenstein : The Video

As a one-woman show driving through the countryside to Liechtenstein, I did what any sane person would do:
Recorded a Video.
Here, my loves, are the results. Continue reading All Roads Lead to Liechtenstein : The Video

Pope Francis first Angelus Prayer - Vatican, Holy See - March 2013 - by Anika Mikkelson - Miss Maps -

A Papal Sighting at The Holy See

We happened to have been in Rome during the first week of Pope Francis’s leadership. and made our way to the Holy See that Sunday morning – a true example of “in the right place at the right time.” We didn’t think that place or time could get any more right until Ben’s happenstance encounter not thirty minutes after… (click to read!) Continue reading A Papal Sighting at The Holy See

Famous Focaccia - Genoa Italy - by Anika Mikkelson -

Genoa Italy: Sardines, Sleepovers, and Sailboats

I had my eye set on Genoa though I knew nothing of the city other than its location: partway between Monaco and Pisa’s Leaning Tower. Still, I aimed for this seaside town and planned to spend one night there. Little did I know that night would be spent in the third floor apartment of a family I’d just met… (Click to read more) Continue reading Genoa Italy: Sardines, Sleepovers, and Sailboats